Wednesday, 18 January 2017

post dates pregnancy massage success

Delighted to announce that the last 2 massage clients have gone into labour less than 24 hours later and have both had normal births within 36 hrs.
With rising Induction rates and its associated increased Caesarean rates, many women are looking for natural measures to encourage baby to make an appearance. Holistic massage can help a Mum feel relaxed and nurtured and this in turn can raise levels of the hormone oxytocin- high levels of which  are required to initiate labour. I am a retired midwife specialising in pregnancy aromatherapy massage offering mobile treatments or in my own home. I also have a qualification in maternity reflex zone therapy so I incorporate some techniques plus the use of certain essential oils when massaging women in their 40th and 41st week.
Treatments start from £30 for an hour though I recommend 75-90 mins for a full body massage. Ideally labour priming should start a few weeks earlier with weekly massages during maternity leave until baby arrives. It may be helpful to have a session with Dad present so he can be taught some pain relieving techniques for labour.
A post-natal massage may also be beneficial in the early days/weeks and being able to lie face down now is an advantage. I am happy to provide treatments in your home or mine with baby present but you may get more of a relaxing treatment if someone else is available to comfort the baby.

Monday, 16 January 2017

succesful Hypnobirth story

Join a group hypnobirthing course at my house in Woking and you too could have a birth story like this....
for more details see

Hi Mandy,
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for everything you taught us.Baby J was finally born 12 days late and I couldn't have asked for a better birth!
I had a sweep at 8 days late which was unsuccessful so was booked in to be induced at 7:30 Wednesday morning. Surges started at 6:30 that morning, very mild so thought  it was probably just hopeful thinking. So went in for my appointment and was 3cm. They still wanted to induce me or at least break my waters but I asked to wait so they monitored me.. I was having surges lasting over a minute every 3 minutes and was calmly focusing on my up breathing and was quite happy to chat and relax, they couldn't understand why I was so calm! So went for a walk and the surges got stronger. They offered me gas and air which I tried a few times but didn't really like.. I felt the breathing was a lot more effective and I was soon making cow noises! K was very supportive and was using light touch on my arms and constantly reminding me to slow down my breathing. At about 1:00 I did crack and asked for an epidural! They said by the sound of me it was too late but I managed to stay still and they gave me a little bit so I could still move around and feel everything. At this point I was 9cm and soon felt the urge to push which I tried to hold off as long as possible and focused on the visualizations and down breathing.
J was born at 2:39 (head and body in one push!) with no tearing or forceps! He was 7.13lbs. Placenta followed while we cuddled and he took to feeding straight away.
I am so pleased with the whole experience and felt so relaxed and in control all the way through, I can't thank you enough for the help, techniques and confidence you gave us.
Although I didn't have time for music or scripts, the confidence and calmness I felt in itself was invaluable.
Now enjoying cuddles at home and am so in love with our new bundle of joy!
Thank you Mandy!!!

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Hypnobirthing courses woking surrey

A recent satisfied customer had this to say about her Hypnobirthing experience and she only took the course 4 weeks before the birth!- I'm now taking bookings for a February course see

" After finishing the course I  developed gestational diabetes so they were planning to induce me at 38 weeks. When we got there I was already 2cm dilated so they said they would break my waters that evening when the delivery suite was less busy.
Throughout the day I had some mild pains and practised breathing through them and stayed very calm and relaxed.
When we got to the delivery suite I was about 3cm and they broke my waters and assured me that nothing would happen and I would need a drip. The baby had done a poo inside and so from then on I had to stay on the bed with limited positions because of the monitoring.
However Within about half an hour of my waters being broken I was having regular surges Every time I got comfortable the midwife would need me to move to try and check the heartbeat but by the end of the two hours it was obvious I didn't need the oxytocin drip and the midwife and Tom told me I had no choice but to breathe so Tom breathed with me. My mum arrived about 9 30pm and was amazed with how calm I was as by 10pm I was already 6 cms- We couldn't believe it! We just did the breathing every time a surge came. I didn't like using the gas an air.

The midwife checked me again at 2am and said I was ready to go as I was now 10cms but I rested for an hour and then I pushed and he was born at 3 47 weighing 8 pounds 2oz
I only had a graze that needed a couple of stitches.

Looking back I couldn't be happier with how it went. I wasn't  able to use my hypnobirthing techniques to their full extent due to the monitoring but I know I wouldn't have made it without the techniques we learnt and I wouldn't have been so calm about the induction.

Thank you Mandy!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Hypnobirthing woking surrey- Great testimnial from a recent client!

 Read what one of my recent 1st time Mums has to say about her birthing experience! If you want to increase your chances of a natural birth like her then go to
Bookings now being taken for the next sept/oct course.
"The Hypnobirthing method was truly fantastic.  I started surges at 1am on Thursday morning, and used the relaxation and visualisation techniques right the way through the first phase.   The surges were coming between 3 and 20 minutes apart right up until Saturday lunchtime; I spoke to the hospital several times before that but they weren't interested in seeing me until the surges finally became regular at 3-5 minutes (presumably I didn't sound like I was in that much pain on the phone)... they examined me with the intention of sending me home because there was 'no way' I was in established labour, and found I was already at 7-8cm!!  The midwife was astonished, commented repeatedly on the atmosphere between Richard and I and what we were doing, and was 100% supportive.  I don't think she had seen hypnobirthing before, but she had heard about it and tried hard to help us to set the right atmosphere (in the end she was brilliant; when she knew what we needed she joined in at just the right mix of quiet and fun), and then was fantastic about getting us into the birthing pool (it was busy when we arrived but as soon as it became free she was onto it!).  She said there was no way she was offering me any painkillers except gas and air as I 'clearly didn't need it', and I think she was expecting to deliver the baby before her shift ended.  I started using gas and air when I realised I was moving into down breathing.

Things went a little downhill because it turned out that only half of my cervix was actually dilating, so I was advised not to start 'pushing' until that had resolved itself (I was doing the opening rose visualisation like it was going out of fashion and mentally substituting 'breathing the baby down' every time someone said push)... by the time I got there I was completely exhausted (had been having surges for 65 hours so barely any sleep since Thursday early evening).  The midwife who was with us at that point suggested it might have been due to me having a strong pelvic floor -We also had a student midwife observing all the way through the second phase, who came - just like you said - because she'd never seen a 'natural' birth.  She was fascinated by what we were doing, how Richard and I were interacting and the whole environment we were creating, including the fact that we were able to smile and laugh and things like that while I was still focusing on relaxing.  She kept saying how incredible it all was, even though by that point I was making far more noise and fuss than I had been earlier on.I used the breathing and visualisations as much as I could, and in the end the doctor only had time to do an episiotomy before I'd got Toby halfway out.  It turned out that he had the cord wrapped round his shoulders, too, which we don't think was helping matters!

Toby is for the most part a completely calm and relaxed little chap.  He was chilled out right up until the very very end of delivery, and apart from not wanting to be put down to sleep he rarely cries now!  We're breastfeeding easily at the moment and loving our time together as a little family.

Thank you so much for the sessions and all your teaching and advice.  I am recommending hypnobirthing to everyone and I know it made a huge difference to my experience and to Toby's

Monday, 29 June 2015

baby massage course woking starts july 1st

Last few places remaining for the next 4 week course held at the St John's Memorial Hall, St John's Lye, Woking Surrey GU21 7SQ on Wednesday 1st July 12.30-13.30.  This course is spread out over 4 weeks so it ends on 22nd July It is suitable for babies from 6 weeks but older babies do have a longer attention span so may benefit more from the session. However if parents learn the routines early then baby gets a greater benefit particularly in treating conditions such as colic and trapped wind which can occur in the early weeks. Even if baby doesn't partake in much of the session so long as the routines are learned then its the practice at home between sessions that make the difference. you may download a booking form below and this has details of how to make the online £25 payment.  This is a great opportunity for some bonding time with baby and to meet other local mums. look forward to hearing from you!