Thursday 8 May 2014

Why go to Birth Preparation Classes?

Expecting a baby can be exciting, often confusing and sometimes stressful time for a pregnant woman, her partner and family. Being able to talk about any concerns, ask questions and find solutions in the company of others going through the same experience can be really helpful. Finding out what is likely to happen during the birth and in the immediate weeks following delivery can really boost your confidence and help you to embrace the process of becoming parents. My antenatal classes are designed with these things in mind.
Antenatal classes not only help you focus on your pregnancy and forthcoming labour and birth, but they also have important social function - they're a great place to meet other parents-to-be. For many women becoming a mother can be a very isolating experience, especially today when women work so late in pregnancy, some may not even have any social contact with neighbours. It is so important to have a support network of others going through exactly the same experiences and this is also a factor in preventing post-natal depression . A condition which affects more than 10% of women. For this reason I try to place couples into groups where they will meet other local parents expecting a baby in roughly the same month.
It is also helpful to have continued support in the post-natal period from a parentcraft teacher in your own home. This can take the form of telephone or email consultation or a home visit. I offer this support to help new parents cope with the physical aspects of recovering from the birth, advice on baby care and support to establish breastfeeding and routines. 

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